Applying to Everything

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Film, Ghana, Futures, Podcasts

Wilhelm is a charming, young gentleman who like most people is going through life with no clue what the destination is. He threw caution to the wind and quit his somewhat lucrative IT career to follow his stupid passion to become a filmmaker. He spent the last two years, all Saturdays, pursuing a Masters in Producing at the prestigious American University in Washington, DC and finally got the validation he needed to prove to everyone else that he was serious about this filmmaking s***t. 

Born and raised in Ghana, Wilhelm came to the US to avoid having to deal with his mother waking him at dawn each time to ask, “so are you really going to let the green-card expire?”. He is very passionate about going back to Ghana and contributing to the development of the film industry but mother says he must get his US citizenship first. Until then he works as an Assistant Editor/Office Manager and when he has sometime on his hands, he shoots award winning short documentaries. Click Here to watch -

Wilhelm is on social media as well, even though he wonders why. If you have nothing better to do, you should follow him on twitter and instagram @wilhelmhesse_